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PNTL to strengthen operations in conflict areas

Dili Weekly - August 19, 2013

The Dili District Police Commander Pedro Belo said the police will carry out stronger operations in neighbourhoods that are at risk of conflict within Dili.

Commander Belo said operations would be held in neighbourhoods based on a resolution the government sent to the Commander of the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL).

"We will hold a stronger operations in neighbourhoods like Becora Temporal and others," said Commander Belo while the former Hotel Resende was being demolished in Dili.

The operation relates to confrontations that continue to occur in some neighbourhoods, so Commander Belo said they would firmly execute the government resolution given to police command.

"We continue to execute this for groups that have plans to disturb the peace in Dili," he said.

Meanwhile Member of Parliament Cesar Valente de Jesus said the conflict that continued to occur is not a martial arts problem but an urban problem.

"I have repeatedly said that this is considered urban violence, where one group attacks another group, a village attacks another village, it's not martial arts," said the CNRT MP.

Therefore he called on the PNTL to hold routine operations at night so Dili would be peaceful.

On the other hand, Becora resident Jose Soares said a group of youths had a confrontation and threw rocks on July 14. "There was a lot of noise last night, as people in Becora Au-hun and the Becora Market threw rocks at each other," said Soares.

He said a man was injured as a result of the rock throwing. "Last night they attacked each other and a friend from Baucau-Laga was injured," said Soares. In regards to the motive of these two groups, Soares said he did not know.
