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House told to pursue Munir murder case

Jakarta Post - February 4, 2006

Jakarta – The House of Representatives must act to reveal the masterminds behind the murder of social justice campaigner Munir, rights groups say.

Non-governmental organizations grouped in the Action Solidarity Committee for Munir met with House leaders Friday. They urged legislators to question President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono about his commitment to resolving the murder case.

Munir's widow, Suciwati, who joined the committee, said the House was the "only hope" to push for a new investigation into the case. "We want the House to act," she said.

House deputy chairman Muhaimin Iskandar said legislators would continue their efforts to resolve the case.

Munir was found dead on board a Garuda flight traveling from Jakarta to Amsterdam in September 2004. A Dutch autopsy found a deadly amount of arsenic in the body.

A Garuda pilot, Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto, was recently convicted of the murder. Judges at his trial noted Pollycarpus had made many calls to a deputy head of the State Intelligence Agency before the murder, leading many people to suspect the agency was involved.
