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GNR stops RDTL supporters

Suara Timor Lorosae - May 29, 2001

A group of GNR (Guarda Nacional Republicana) [a security arm of Civpol], on Monday, fired warning shots at a group of RDTL supporters and activists at the border of Metinaro and Manatuto. Sixteen people were injured in clashes with the GNR and seven are receiving treatment at the Baucau General Hospital.

The General Coordinator of RDTL Antonio Aitahan Matak said the incident between the RDTL supporters and GNR occurred when his people were returning back to their villages after protesting in front of UNTAET. Aitahan Matak said the GNR beat his supporters and also snatched their flag from a vehicle. Aitahan claimed the GNR also used force against women supporters.

Aitahan Matak said he had written protest letters against the GNR and copied them to the Portuguese, American and Australian missions. "The GNR came here a peace-keeping force. Why are they now resorting to violence?" he asked.

Meanwhile the Dili Commander of Civpol Yuril Kozlenko in an eight page report criticized the Foreign Minister in the Transitional Cabinet Jose Ramos-Horta for interfering in "police business" in connection with the incident. "Ramos-Horta has criticized strongly GNR personnel at the location and his comments have encouraged RDTL activists to fight the GNR," said the report. The report also said Ramos-Horta's intervention caused delays in Civpol taking action.
