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Member of 'reformation' buskers group found dead

Kompas - June 4, 1998

The Buskers Association of Yogyakarta (SPI) has called on armed forces commander-in-chief General Wiranto to investigate the death of Leonardus Nugroho Iskandar, known to his friends as Gilang, 24, a busker who was also a reformation activist in Solo. After going missing for two weeks, Gilang's body found on 23 May, lying under some trees on the side of the Tawangmangu-Madiun road. A press release issued by the SPI on 3 June states that Gilang was an SPI activist based in Surakarta. He was part of an SPI group set up at Lempuyangan Station in Yogyakarta.

On 25 Apri 1998, Gilang attended a conference of buskers from all parts of Java held in Yogyakarta to support the students' movement for reform.

According to the press release Gilang regularly took part in reform actions in Solo. Most recently, he took part in the occupation of the office of the mayor of Solo in mid May, after which he went missing.

The press release said that Gilang's death is evidence that violence takes precedence, it is a tragedy that must be resolve in accordance with the law. The SPI renounces violence and condemns those responsible for Gilang's murder. It called on the commander-in-chief to thoroughly investigate this crime.
