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Wiranto to be replaced mid-March

SiaR - March 3, 1998

Jakarta – According to SiaR sources, General Wiranto, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces is to be replaced in mid-March. Wiranto will fill a post in the new cabinet as Minister of Defence and Security. The source mentioned that General Subagyo, presently Chief of Staff of the Army (KSAD), will replace Wiranto, while the post of KSAD will be filled by Lieut.Gen. Prabowo.

Besides Wiranto, Head of the Armed Forces Social and Political Affairs Department, Lieut. Gen. Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono, a general supporting Wiranto, will also be pushed aside. There is as yet no information as to where Soesilo is to be posted. There is a possibility that he will be appointed ambassador. The SiaR source said that Soeharto decided to replace Wiranto and remove his supporters because of the fear that Wiranto and his group might force through political reforms.

"Pak Harto has become increasingly worried after the oath of loyalty to Wiranto issued by armed forces commanders during the ceremony installing Wiranto as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces," said the source.

[The commanders were required to each give a verbal oath of allegiance to Wiranto which was seen by analysts as a rebuff against Kopassus chief, Prabowo who is Suharto's son-in-law - James Balowski.]

Wiranto's supporters in the regions, according to this information, will also be moved to non-command posts to isolate them from access to field troops.

Maj.Gen. Agum Gumelar, the Wirabuana Commander who initiated the oath of loyalty, will, in the near future, be appointed Governor of The National Defense Institute (LEMHANAS). Even though he is a lieutenant general, Agum will be removed from command access to troops. In the same way, a number of commanders who supported Wiranto, such as Johny Lumintang, who was previously predicted to be appointed to the post of General Staff Head of the ABRI (Kasum ABRI). is to be removed. The Brawijaya and Diponegoro commanders are also soon to be replaced by people more loyal to Soeharto.
