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Arbitrary detention

East Timor Human Rights Centre - May 29, 1997

The East Timor Human Rights Centre (ETHRC) has received further information in relation to Joao Guterres (also known as Mau-Lana), aged 28, who was reported missing following his arrest on 15 May, 1997, in the district of Baucau.

It is believed Joao Guterres was arrested at a military checkpoint at Tigre (located between Vemasse and Laleia, Baucau district) and taken to Dili where he is currently detained at Battalion 744 headquarters in Taibessi. The reason for his arrest is unconfirmed, however according to one source, Joao Guterres, who is an employee of the hotel Villa Harmonia in Dili, had been seen talking to some foreigners. The ETHRC believed Joao Guterres may have been arbitrarily arrested.

The East Timor Human Rights Centre is concerned for Joao Guterres if he is not located soon as he may be at risk of torture and ill treatment if still in detention. Detainees in East Timor are routinely subjected to torture and ill-treatment while in military or police custody, especially if they are denied access to family members and independent legal representation.
