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'Acheh deal as is doomed to failure'

Australians for a Free Acheh Press Release - July 19, 2005

We welcomed negotiations between Indonesia and Acheh, but warn that without real external support, preferably from the UN, any deals done are doomed to failure. Achenese negotiators are of course between a rock and a hard place, but had to use the window of Tsunami scrutiny to their maximum advantage. Instead it appears the TNI has set the agendas. Negotiation should not have taken place with TNI in place and continuing to attack people of Acheh.

We supported the idea of Acheh putting on the table their preparedness to stay within Indonesia, in exchange for total withdrawal of TNI Indonesian army forces, to be replaced by GAM. There is no external threat to Indonesia anyway, the TNI only acts against its own citizens, or those it has colonised such as West Papuans and previously the East Timorese.

What appears to have been signed off is for GAM to hand in their weapons in exchange for a modest reduction in TNI forces. Nebulous monitoring by a handful of EU observers, who no doubt will stay in the best hotels, will be no guarantee. A battalion force of UN soldiers is needed to keep the TNI under control and preferably out.

The East Timor and Papuan experiences have shown that the TNI is a force with little sanction and with total impunity. The present Indonesian government lead by a former general has shown no real improvement on this record and inspires no confidence. Would that it were different.

Also: the world needs to supply building materials for houses, including light steel fabrications, and not support the building of strategic villages for easy control by the TNI.

Rob Wesley-Smith
Spokesperson Australians for a Free Acheh
PO Box 2155 Darwin NT 0801
