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Illegal mining in Central Java allegedly backed up by powerful parties: Official

Tempo - December 2, 2022

Moh. Khory Alfarizi, Jakarta – Central Java Energy and Mineral Resources Agency (ESDM) head Sujarwanto Dwiatmoko has spoken up about the rampant illegal mining business in the province. He claimed the government had taken action against unlicensed sand mining, but it then reappeared and operated again.

"It had been handled but then reappeared, being handled again, and kept reappearing. A deterrent effect had been handed, and some were sent to jail. But they did not stop. It's odd," said Sujarwanto to Tempo on Wednesday, November 30, 2022.

The perpetrators allegedly roamed around Klaten Regency, Central Java. This illegal mining operation was located in 20 areas and caused uneasiness to the residents.

Sujarwanto recognized that the perpetrators were old players. The local government along with the Central Java Regional Police, he added, conducted routine monitoring.

Without mentioning the names of the perpetrators, Sujarwanto said that most of the unlicensed mining was found in Kelamang District for its vast areas. Other areas include Manisrejo District, Jatinom District, Tulung District, and Magelang – especially on the slopes of Mount Merapi.

Previously, Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka disclosed the massive illegal sand mining business in Central Java on his personal Twitter in response to people's request for the practice to be addressed by the government. Gibran said it was backed up by powerful individuals or groups.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1663625/illegal-mining-in-central-java-allegedly-backed-up-by-powerful-parties-officia
